2015년 4월 5일 일요일

marvel installation on Windows for monitoring elasticSearch

Marvel is a management and monitoring tool for elasticSearch. This is installed with interactive console called as 'Sense' which is able to communicate with elasticSearch via Web browser. This tool is free while developing your project whereas it is charged while serving your service. 

Installation process
The installation procedures of Marvel is as follows:  
1. Run the command prompt.
2. Move to the elasticSearch folder
3. Execute the following command to install marvel
> .\bin\plugin -i elasticsearch/marvel/latest
4. Move to the elasticSearch\bin folder and then run the elasticSearch service.
> service stop
> service start
5. Access the following URL on Web browser
6. Access the sense URL on Web browser
    예) http://localhost:9200/_plugin/marvel/sense/

Alternative process
If you encounter any failure on the above steps, you can retry with the following procedures.  
1. Download the marvel-latest.zip' file on Web brower with the following URL
2. Unzip marvel-latest.zip 
3. Rename the uncompressed folder(marvel-latest) to 'marvel'.
4. Move the marvel folder to elasticSearch\plugins 
5. Go to the elasticSearch\bin folder and then rerun the elasticSearch service.
> service stop
> service start
6. Access the following URL on Web browser
7. Access the sense URL on Web browser
    예) http://localhost:9200/_plugin/marvel/sense/

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